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Multicultural Excellence Awards Categories
Please note that many campaigns fit into multiple categories. When preparing entries, please review all the categories to find the ones that best apply to your campaign.
All work submitted is judged based on Creativity, Relevance and Other (unless otherwise note in the description below) - please read descriptions carefully.
African American
Represents all types of creative engagement that directly targets the African American demographic.
Represents all types of creative engagement that directly targets the Asian demographic. (Southeast Asian audiences are best entered in the Rising Multicultural Segments category.)
Audio (Radio, Internet Radio and Podcasts)
Entries in this category include all types of audio including podcasts, commercial radio, streaming radio, and downloadable content that directly targets a multicultural consumer segment.
Cross-Cultural Campaigns
Entries in this category will feature campaigns that include multiple cultural segments. Diversity should be an integral focus throughout the entire strategic and creative process. While casting and representation will be a consideration, this category will also recognize multicultural insights throughout the entire execution.
Demonstrated Growth

This category will showcase marketing efforts that delivered against a clear set of objectives, made a positive impact and generated growth for a product, brand, or cause. Campaigns submitted in this category should demonstrate the success of your marketing campaign. Using facts and figures about your campaign, your submission should explain why the effort was successful, based on the effectiveness of the advertising and marketing and its measurable objectives. (This category will have unique score weighting: 25% Creativity, 25% Relevancy and 50% Results.)
This category is for any creative executions that leverage digital platforms that directly target a multicultural consumer segment. This includes programs involving mobile sites, apps, geo-location strategies, email campaigns, web-based campaigns, etc. This category also rewards the best use of Social Media tools (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, etc.) targeted to consumers as the primary communication tactic/strategy to reach your objective.
Experiential Marketing

Entries in this category include campaigns that allow consumers to become active participants in online or offline immersive experiences that directly target a multicultural consumer segment.
Represents all types of creative engagement that directly targets the Hispanic demographic.
Holiday and Milestones
This category will spotlight how marketers leverage the unique aspects of specific holidays and cultural events to enhance their relevance and support of special milestones in the lives of their diverse consumers. Events include annual festivals and holidays (e.g., Kwanza, Lunar New Year, Holi), and cultural milestones (e.g., Quinceanera) and special observances (e.g., Juneteenth,National Coming Out Day).
Influencer Marketing - NEW
This category rewards the best use of Influencer Marketing - marketing that utilized diverse individuals, groups, or associations to help advocate and promote the brand or product to gain credibility with target consumers (diverse audience segment) as the primary communication tactic/strategy to reach your objectives. Programs/campaigns can include any type of influencer or content creator, from local, micro to macro influencers to entertainers and national celebrities, and anything in between.
Represents all types of creative engagement that directly targets the LGBTQ+ demographic.
Marketing to the 50+ Consumer
This population is growing in size, spending power and influence and entries in this category give voice to who this consumer is, how they wish to be seen, and ensures accurate representation in all forms of marketing and advertising.
People with Disabilities

Entries in this category include all types of creative that directly target or resonate with People with Disabilities. Although marketing content may not target this group specifically, it is important that the creative incorporates this consumer segment as a key pillar of the campaign.
Rising Multicultural Segments
In recognition of the numerous multicultural segments that add texture and richness to the fabric of our diverse country and contribute to brand growth, this category embraces all the segments not covered by the established awards categories and recognizes creative work and programs which primarily target any other multicultural consumer market, including but not limited to Native American and Indigenous, Eastern European, Middle Eastern/North African (MENA), and Southeast Asian consumers.
Small Budget

This category recognizes campaigns that directly target a multicultural consumer segment(s), executed on a budget that did not exceed $400k US. The investment in the campaign is inclusive of media expenditures and production/activation costs. Local, regional, national efforts that directly target a multicultural consumer segment are all eligible. In your case study you should explain the insights that were leveraged to formulate the campaign and provide insight into the breakdown of production vs. media expense. Percentages are acceptable. (The $400K U.S. maximum investment spend does not include agency fees charged to develop/execute the campaign.)
Socially Responsible
Entries in this category include all types of creative that directly addresses current social issues.
Entries in this category will showcase the ways marketers are effectively engaging with diverse audiences via sports related marketing activations with a specific sport, league, team, athlete, and/or sporting events like the World Cup, Olympics, NCAA March Madness Basketball Tournament, Superbowl, etc.